Dancers joining the competitive team at Ultimate Dance Company are expected to be committed and focused. Ultimate Dance Company encourages all dancers to work together as a team at the competitive level; therefore, every dancer will be expected to adhere to the following policies:
It is understood that in order to compete you must review and adhere to Division class prerequisites as well as the policy and attire guidelines.
Once choreography has commenced, through to the end of the competition season it is mandatory that dancers are attending their competitive level classes. If attendance becomes an issue the competitive dancer may be removed from competition classes. A reminder that we view all of our competitive classes as team classes therefore we remind dancers that absences place a lot of stress on fellow teammates and instructors. Please be considerate and respectful by notifying the studio by email if you will be absent at director@ultimatedanceco.com
Competitive dancers will participate in a stage rehearsal as well as compete in up to four competitions per year. Attendance at stage rehearsal and all competitions is mandatory.
It is the dancers’ responsibility to remember choreography and to learn and practice any choreography missed due to absences before their next practice.
An important email will be sent in September. This email outlines competitions, workshops and dance trips the studio will participate in.
Competition entry fees do fluctuate and vary depending on the competition. Therefore, choreography and competition entry fees are presented in an email in September. Parents should be aware of other additional expenses such as costumes, competition audience admission, team wear, additional rehearsal fees, private lessons, recital tickets and travel expenses for competitions.
Respect for teachers, parents, and peers will be expected within the classroom and studio.
No disruptive behaviour will be tolerated inside the classrooms/studio.
September fees and Registration fees are due and processed at the time of registration. September Fees & Registration fees are non-refundable under any circumstances as these fees hold a spot for your dancer in our classes.
The final date to cancel from any competitive program is September 30th.
Monthly fees are for class instruction only and do not include costumes, recital tickets, choreography fees, exam fees or competition entry fees.
All students participate in our annual year end recital “Showcase of Stars”. Participation is mandatory.
Please notify the office of any changes to personal information. Monthly newsletters are sent out to families at the beginning of each month. It is important that families read and keep up to date with all studio information.
Parents must notify the studio if their dancer is going to be absent. Classes and training are progressive so regular attendance is encouraged throughout the season.
Makeup classes are not offered, and NO refunds will be issued for missed classes.
Class Cancellations: If at any time Ultimate Dance Company is required to cancel classes due to bad weather, an email will be sent out. Missed classes due to weather conditions will not be rescheduled.
Teacher Absence and Substitute Teachers: If your child’s instructor is sick or unable to attend class, a knowledgeable and experienced substitute teacher will cover classes.
Ultimate Dance Company has the right to cancel or combine classes due to insufficient class registration.